Has life lost its meaning?
There are a lot of discouraged people in the world. They have stopped trying, stopped taking risks, stopped feeling, and stopped living. Some have been discouraged so often or so deeply, that they now discourage themselves almost without thinking. Negativity and cynicism color their world. They come to therapy in search of help, to find that tiny plant long since overgrown by weeds. We pull back the strangling vines of discouragement to reconnect them with the sunlight of hope, meaning, and love.
There is always hope for those who want to find and nourish their soul. I have seen the shoots of trees push up through the pavement of an asphalt road. Plants cling to the face of a granite cliff or pry apart the fractured concrete in an abandoned schoolyard. Even in the most inhospitable settings, the urge and will to life is present. Life wants to grow, and so does your soul.