In one of his most popular songs, Neil Young tells us he is a “searcher” and a “miner” for a “heart of gold.” We love this song, “Heart of Gold,” because it resonates with our own experience. We are also searchers and miners for a heart of gold.
A heart of gold means different things to different people. For many it represents what we most deeply cherish or long for in life. We may not always be sure exactly what this is, yet we have the sense that we will recognize it when we find it. And so, we keep searching.
We tend to look for our heart of gold in the outer world. For example, we may search for a mate or companion who is caring, loving, and loyal. We believe that this person will help us to feel complete and whole. And for some people, this is how it is, at least for awhile. Some people succeed, and some come up short. It’s not easy to find your heart of gold.
Young said that he would “cross the ocean for a heart of gold.” Symbolically, this could mean that he was willing to look within himself to find his true love and source of meaning in life. Ultimately, we must all look within to find our gold. Another person can help you get in touch with this part of yourself, but they cannot be your heart of gold for you. You must cross the seas of your own unconscious to find your heart of gold.
Whether you consciously realize it or not, you want a genuine and vital relationship with your own soul and with God. You long to find your inner gold, and you long to live the life that makes your heart beat fully and strongly. Young states, “I wanna live, I wanna give.” Like him, you are a miner for a life of passion, purpose, and meaning. You want to serve something greater than yourself. Search with faith for your heart of gold and it will draw you to itself.
Enjoy this Youtube video of Neil Young singing Heart of Gold: