It is interesting how outer life communicates the messages of the soul. Arthur was a man who lived in the past even while he lived in the present. He tells the story–to all who will listen–of working for and “rubbing shoulders” with a famous business magnate. He later participated in a mildly successful scheme to siphon money from one of the man’s enterprises. He was eventually found out and retribution was extracted using methods common to the mafia. Or, at least, that is how Arthur tells it.
For over twenty years these events have been the highpoint of Arthur’s life. He still takes great pride in his former connection to the famous man. In fact, he still collects newspaper clippings of him for inclusion in a book he has been trying to get published. Unfortunately, the events caught passing attention when they occurred and there is even less interest in them now. But Arthur has a hard time letting go. He has defined his identity by these events and is afraid to give them up.
Arthur has been looking backwards for over twenty years so it is telling that the car he drives won’t go in reverse. Every time he parks he must make sure he can pull forward when he leaves. What he has refused to do at an inner level he is being forced to do at an outer level. Perhaps one day he will get the message and move forward with his life.